Ramya Ramakrishnan

ram dot ramya at gmail dot com

Staff Research Scientist Snorkel AI

Hi, I’m Ramya! I am currently a Staff Research Scientist at Snorkel AI. My research focuses on understanding conversational data and developing models that can assist and augment humans through natural language. I’m excited about controlling large language models and aligning them towards user constraints.

I’m interested in building a world where AI and people can seamlessly work together. I love to work on research problems that are grounded in impactful real-world products.

Previously, I completed my Ph.D. and M.S. at MIT CSAIL, where I worked with Prof. Julie Shah in the Interactive Robotics Group. I spent a few summers interning at Microsoft Research and at Google. I received my B.S. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.

selected publications

  1. Workflow-Guided Response Generation for Task-Oriented Dialogue
    Do June Min ,  Paloma Sodhi ,  and  Ramya Ramakrishnan
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.08300, 2023
  2. Multi-Step Dialogue Workflow Action Prediction
    Ramya Ramakrishnan ,  Ethan Elenberg ,  Hashan Narangodage , and 1 more author
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09593, 2023
  3. Long-term control for dialogue generation: Methods and evaluation
    Ramya Ramakrishnan ,  Hashan Buddhika Narangodage ,  Mauro Schilman , and 2 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.07352, 2022